Junior Committee & Younger Residents Zone
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Never to young to get involved!
We are always looking for help and fresh ideas to make our estate, our events and our online presence bigger and better than ever. With an ever increasing focus on the environment and sustainability for the future we need you to get involved so that the estate will continue to be a great place to live and play for years to come....
Email us at woodstownvillage@gmail.com or click one of the buttons and submit your idea via the webpage.

Your idea ....!
Your idea might become the next annual event, like the Easter Egg Hunt, Santa's Visit or Zip lines at Residents day or once off spectacular like the helicopter landing in the field. Your idea might result in traffic driving slower in the estate such as the slow down campaign, or increase the wildlife / flowers and trees we all see around us.
Perhaps you;d prefer to help publish and manage the content of the web, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter accounts?
Maybe you own a drone? submit your aerial views of Woodstown like the one on the right
Submit ideas by clicking the
Time Capsule
IWe've burried a time capsule on our estate for residents to dig up in 50 years time and see what life was like, well.. now. Thanks to all the residents who provided items to include in the capsule.

Time Capsule
Buried in 2016 - maybe you'll be the one to dig it up? What ideas do you have for the future ? \\\\\\\\click suggestions above....

Easter Egg Hunt
A recent edition to the Woodstown annual events calendar Easter has proven to be a success year on year. As with previous Easter events an Easter egg (or chocolate Easter bunny) hunt draws huge crowds which enable a huge spring clean to work up the appetite for all that chocolate ! What's your idea - let us know!
Christmas Santa Visits!
Usually, Santa needs elves to help with the organising, managing the queues of excited kids, operating the snow machine etc. - this year Santa was still seen around the estate scoping out places to land the sleigh for the big night....

Drone's Eye View
Drone's Eye View